
This subject at university was good. At first it was more dificult for me and now I know more things. I liked that this year we have more conversations and we practice speaking a little bit more. This is the more difficult part for me and for some other students.  

I think the blogs was good because we used the blogs in the past but this year was the pandemic and everything changed, we have to be in our home so the clasess was doing online, so the blogs helped the online education and it was a good tool.  I like also that this year it was more flexible because everything was chaotic and we have to study a lot and the technology help us to do this. 

Outside of the English class I see English everywhere. A lot of publicity is in English, also design pages online, or other things that I like, videogames and series that I watch are in English and sometimes it is difficult but I can understand most of what I see online. I don’t speak a lot because my friends speak Spanish but I think I can speak English if I need to sometime. 

I think the aspects of my English that need to be improved is my speaking, because I understand or can write something but speaking is more hard. But this happens a lot with people. Maybe I need more words to speak more vocabulary. I plan to improve by speaking sometime, I have a friend who studying to be a English teacher and I can speak with her maybe and improve my English in the future.   



  1. Josefa take the opportunity to practice with your friend is a good chance to improve your speaking

  2. I think the vast majority of the students in the class (I include myself) have problems with speak but as you say it can be solved by practicing a lot, I hope it's not a problem forever :c

    att: Joaco

  3. Is awesome that you have a friend to speak in English, I have one online friend, but we only can write in English, so my written skill became some faster and understandable kdjfdkj


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